On Tuesday July 23rd, eight members of the MGA
steering committee went to the Massachusetts State House on Beacon Hill and
they paid visits to offices of their state senators and representatives, urging
them to actively support the Geography Education bill (S.200) that is now in
the Joint Committee on Education. Legislators were urged to either write
letters of support or to appear personally at the bill's hearing on Thursday
October 31st. This is part of the strategic push to get the bill
passed this year so that the public hearings on geographic education can occur
next spring. This is an exciting time for geography education as we are within
striking distance of having a geographic education commission - the first ever
for our state. We encourage you to contact your state representatives (https://malegislature.gov/) and request
their support. We need more geography in our schools as geography is THE
subject that teaches about the variety of cultural and physical places that
make up our world. Geography teaches those spatial thinking skills that are so
essential for jobs ranging from map making to environmental planning. The
National Geographic Society Education Foundation provides excellent material on
Geo-literacy and why we need it to become involved citizens in the 21st
century. http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/geoliteracy/?ar_a=1