Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Speak Up for Geography

We spend most of our time working on geography education with our own students, community members, and colleagues. We also have been spending a significant amount of time explaining why geography education needs to be better supported at the state level here in Massachusetts.

We should not neglect, however, the need to advocate for geography at the Federal level. Speak Up for Geography is a campaign to fund existing mandates for geography education. As with many online campaigns, this web site generates letters to members of Congress. In addition to sharing the link, it would be useful for geography educators to tell their own stories, and to let the senators and representatives know where, why, and how we are teaching geography in their home regions.

1 comment:

  1. I used this site and contacted both Senators Kerry and Brown. I did change up some of the language and made it a bit more personal. I also received a generic email back from Kerry.
    The site makes this a lot easier. I would encourage everyone to use this site and let their voices be heard!
